Are Computer Science and Psychology Substantially Connected?
A mini-article exploring the disciplines on the computer and mind
As simple as this may seem, the answer is yes. Computer Science has applications in all industries from Accounting all the way to Biology. Among these industries include psychology.
Let’s try to understand why Computer Science and Psychology are related to each other. Well, as surprising as it is, a major part of computer science and computer science research is determined by human psychology. Think about it… devices such as computers and phones are made to be used by humans! Most algorithms, programs and systems are designed with this in mind, and the goals of research ultimately come down to human factors.
Computer Science can also aid in research. For instance, I wrote a paper on “How Masturbation and Pornography Cause and Connect With Depression”. While doing research for this project, I conducted many surveys and the analysis of this data wouldn’t be possible without my own codes and algorithms to read the data from the participants of my surveys and assessments. Codes and Algorithms are what most Computer Science is all about which shows my point.
I’m sure I can connect the two disciplines for hours on end, but for your time let's look at another way that shows the symbiotic relationship between them. Psychologists have helped in many ways to understand how computers and codes are developed and used, but understanding computers has also helped psychologists model and investigate cerebral processes such as cognition and coordination.
All in all, these subjects, while seeming very far away from one another, are more connected than you might think. Hopefully, you see the connection between Computer Science and Psychology, and if you’re more curious, here is a video on the Psychology of Computing:
Thank you for reading!